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My Skincare Collection

As most of my friends and family know - I'm a bit of a skincare addict. So, I thought it might be interesting to show you my entire skincare collection. This is after a recent clear out so I can honestly say that I use all of these products interchangeably.  I keep my products in this rotating plastic organiser that my boyfriend bought me for my birthday. Anyone who's into skincare or makeup NEEDS one of these organisers. It is the best thing ever, I love spinning it round each morning as I decide which cleanser to use😂 Click here for a link to one on amazon. Keep reading if you want to see what products I keep in my stash. I have broken them down into categories and listed my favourite 3 products from each category.  Cleansers 1-  The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter  - I haven't found anything that's able to remove my makeup as well as this, plus it lasts for months, you can't go wrong. You simply rub it into your dry skin and watch it melt away all your make

Skincare Routine for under £30 | Spot Prone Skin

My first picture on the internet without makeup - pls be kind x

Thank you so much for the support on my latest posts it really means a lot! A lot of you seemed to really enjoy 'The Ordinary | Top 5 Products', so I thought this might be useful to you too! 

You don't have to break the bank to have good skincare and The Ordinary are a great example of this. There are many other affordable brands on the market, it's just a matter of knowing what ingredients to look for. In this post, I will outline a simple skincare routine for under £30 that would suit a typical spot prone skin. We all get spots at some point in our lives, whether they're hormonal, stress related or just a build up of dirt and oil...they're inevitable! But they can be helped.

Remember, I'm no expert. This is just what I have learnt from using the products myself, recommending them to friends and family and watching/reading about skincare from specialists online (mostly Caroline Hirons). 

Step 1- Balm/Oil Cleanser

In my previous post 'SKINCARE ESSENTIALS' I mentioned The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter, whilst this is an affordable product at £11, there are alternative cleansers which cost even less. The Ordinary's Squalane Cleanser is only £5.50 and will effectively remove light makeup. If you are wearing heavier makeup you may want to use a micellar water first, just to make sure it's all off. I also know friends who use and love the Oat Cleansing Balm from The Inkey List (£9.99).

Step 2- Exfoliating Acid Toner 

This step has made the most difference to my skin when fighting blackheads. I particularly enjoy the Nip+Fab XXL Glycolic Fix Liquid Glow (£9.97). This contains 6% pure glycolic acid which helps to shed dead skin cells and reveal the newer, brighter layers of skin underneath. The Ordinary also have a Glycolic Acid Toner (£6.80), however this is a higher percentage so I would recommend introducing this slowly into your routine. Although, most toners with Glycolic Acid in their ingredients list should deliver the same results so don't feel as though you have to use the products mentioned. 

Step 3- Serum

Two serums I find work best for when I'm having a breakout are Niacinamide and Salicylic Acid. I have used The Ordinary for both of those ingredients before and found them to work just as well as other brands. I currently have a Niacinamide and a Salicylic Acid from Revolution as these were available in my local boots when The Ordinary seemed to be sold out on all of their websites. The Niacinamide can be applied all over the face after cleansing, then I usually follow with Salicylic Acid in the areas where I have the most spots. Both serums are £6 from Revolution.

Step 4- Moisturiser 

Even oily, spot prone skin needs moisture as it will allow our skin to heel faster from the blemishes. I prefer to skip an oil step when I'm breaking out and go straight in with a basic moisturiser. At the moment, I am using Keihl's Ultra Facial Cream, but stick to what your skin knows and loves. If you're having a breakout, now is probably not the best time to be trying a new moisturiser. However, The Ordinary offer an affordable moisturiser with basic ingredients that shouldn't irritate even the most sensitive skin: Natural Moisturising Factors + HA (£4.90). 

Affordable Brands Worth Trying:

The Ordinary


The Inkey List



Thank you for reading, I hope this shows you that you don't need to spend a fortune to look after your skin!

Follow my blog for more and let me know in the comments what you would like to see from me next!

All the best,

- R.D x


  1. Really enjoyed this little read ��

  2. Great read rob! Love reading all your tips and tricks ��- x

  3. ���� always such great advice, can’t wait for your next post !!


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